







/docs/.gdignore  # See "Ignoring specific folders" below

Style guide

For consistency across projects, we recommend following these guidelines:

  • Use snake_case for folder and file names (with the exception of C# scripts). This sidesteps case sensitivity issues that can crop up after exporting a project on Windows. C# scripts are an exception to this rule, as the convention is to name them after the class name which should be in PascalCase.

  • Use PascalCase for node names, as this matches built-in node casing.

  • In general, keep third-party resources in a top-level addons/ folder, even if they aren't editor plugins. This makes it easier to track which files are third-party. There are some exceptions to this rule; for instance, if you use third-party game assets for a character, it makes more sense to include them within the same folder as the character scenes and scripts.





Godot が特定のフォルダに含まれるファイルをインポートしないようにするには、フォルダ内に .gdignore という空のファイルを作成します (先頭に . が必要です)。これは、(既存の構成などからの)初期プロジェクトのインポートを高速化するのに役立ちます。


Windowsでドットで始まる名前のファイルを作成するには、Notepad++などのテキストエディタを使用するか、コマンドプロンプトで次のコマンドを使用します: type nul> .gdignore

Once the folder is ignored, resources in that folder can't be loaded anymore using the load() and preload() methods. Ignoring a folder will also automatically hide it from the FileSystem dock, which can be useful to reduce clutter.

Note that the .gdignore file's contents are ignored, which is why the file should be empty. It does not support patterns like .gitignore files do.

Case sensitivity

Windows and recent macOS versions use case-insensitive filesystems by default, whereas Linux distributions use a case-sensitive filesystem by default. This can cause issues after exporting a project, since Godot's PCK virtual filesystem is case-sensitive. To avoid this, it's recommended to stick to snake_case naming for all files in the project (and lowercase characters in general).


You can break this rule when style guides say otherwise (such as the C# style guide). Still, be consistent to avoid mistakes.

On Windows 10, to further avoid mistakes related to case sensitivity, you can also make the project folder case-sensitive. After enabling the Windows Subsystem for Linux feature, run the following command in a PowerShell window:

# To enable case-sensitivity:
fsutil file setcasesensitiveinfo <path to project folder> enable

# To disable case-sensitivity:
fsutil file setcasesensitiveinfo <path to project folder> disable

If you haven't enabled the Windows Subsystem for Linux, you can enter the following line in a PowerShell window running as Administrator then reboot when asked:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux